1/14/2017 140 Comments A Post By My DaughterSteve Harvey,
From the time I first met you, I admired you. I always enjoyed every movie you were in, watching you on Family Feud while away at college, looking up YouTube videos of you and all of that. You seemed so big in my eyes! It was so cool to know that my dad knew you and you knew my dad. Now, I am extremely disappointed in you and wondering what you're thinking. Was meeting with Trump a personal victory or were you really there fighting for our people? I can't help but to think you were there for the latter because there is no way you could walk away from that meeting and report back to us that you found him "congenial and sincere" and that you would "sit with him anytime." I don't understand. You would sit with a man who has spewed racist and hate filled language to everyone who is considered "different" or not white? You would sit with someone who has some of the most divisive an adversarial language in the 21st century? You would sit with a man who brags about grabbing women by their private parts? You have daughters and you have a wife, who just the other day posted Meryl Streep on her IG and remarked on how inspired she was by her speech at the Golden Globes (which had a lot to do with Trump). I am not mad that you met with the man. I am just mad that in your IG report back to us you stated "Trump wants to help with the situations in the inner cities so he immediately got Dr. Ben Carson." PAUSE. Trump picked a man whose only relation to the inner city is that he once lived there and like a lot of people in the inner city he is Black. He isn't qualified. If Trump were really concerned about the inner city he would've gotten someone who is capable and well versed in Urban Housing issues to really address and rectify the situation. Dr. Ben Carson has showed that he has no interest in really helping his people with the moves he has made and with every ignorant thing that comes out of his mouth. Come on Steve you fell for the okie doke? I thought you were better than that. Why not come out of that meeting and tell us you challenged him on his selection for Housing and Urban Development Director? Why not come out of that meeting telling us you challenged him about his reprehensible comments about women because you are a father, a husband and a man that has a fan base of millions of women? Why not come out of that meeting telling us you challenged him about his comments on Stop and Frisk? Why not come out of that meeting saying you challenged him on his pick for Attorney General? Why not come out of that meeting telling us you challenged him on saying Black people have nothing to lose? Why not come out of that meeting telling us all of that before you mention he is "congenial and sincere?" I am not falling for it Steve. And for the TRUMP TEAM who thinks that they can pick every Black Entertainer that we love so much to go meet with Trump and come back saying its okay, you're showing your "conservative racism." Black people aren't a monolith. We don't all believe the same things and even more so, we aren't STUPID. Just because we love their art doesn't always mean we will love their heart. Oh and Steve, I know this man isn't sincere. He just attacked one of our foremost leaders in the Civil Rights movement today. Also Steve, I have a strong feeling that you know you punked out because you turned off your IG comments under the post you made about Trump. I know you know that you disappointed your people and your fan base. So you can stop with the BS. Sincerely, Abeni Haynes
Shanite Massey-Rolfe
1/14/2017 12:26:53 pm
Very well written. Thank you for being a voice for many.
Pam smith
1/14/2017 01:24:37 pm
Very well stated. Bravo young lady
Sharon Smith
1/14/2017 05:25:38 pm
Shame on you Steve Harvey
Dolores A Newkirk
1/14/2017 10:01:52 pm
What's your next book?
1/15/2017 12:49:23 am
Thanks for Speaking for Me.I too looked up to Mr Harvey.Until Now.
Charlotte Greem
1/15/2017 04:38:38 am
Well said. Was surprised to see Steve Harvey with the president elect but all I know about Steve Harvey is what I see on TV or read.
1/15/2017 11:03:30 am
Just to think, I've looked up to you for years, you've sold yourself, and your family, my only question is, ......at what cost, SOOO DISAPOINTED!
1/14/2017 07:46:29 pm
I loved everything you said about Steve, He has disappointed so many people who thought he was a stand up guy like me.He reminds me so much of a YESSA BOSS, ANYTHING YOU SAY BOSS, AS OF now no more family feud no Apollo F*CK STEVE HARVEY AND TRUMP STANK ASS TOO!
Dolores A Newkirk
1/14/2017 10:06:51 pm
Praying for Steve-knowing that hid onset of alzheimer desease can be reversed!
1/15/2017 07:57:54 am
We don't know what really happened in that meeting. Just like Trump is cunning. Who knows what Steve Harvey have up his sleeve. Yes I would go sit with him too. So I can do what I need to do for my people. Our people that were slaves. Still said yes sir and freed a lot of our people. Now how can we do that. By making them think I am on your side. But I letting someone know what we have to do to get ahead. How can we know what is going on in the WHITE house if we don't have someone that is willing to sacrifice his career for his people. We don't know. Let us wait and see the transition is not over yet. Let's look at the other side of it. If I was Steve Harvey. I would have done the same thing.
Constance Richardson
1/15/2017 12:28:29 pm
Ver well written!!
Wilbert Rooke
1/15/2017 01:23:09 pm
Mr Harvey Trump showed you just what he thought of you when he but you on the phone to speak with Ben Carson... not important enough to speak with his other cabinet picks the white cuts, no just you and the other uncle Tom.
Jay (Que)
1/15/2017 05:03:45 pm
@Vondria. The huge concern is when SH asserted that he was "congenial and sincere" and that he would "sit with him anytime." Vondria, how can any person asserted that he is congenial and sincere after all the degrading things that he concluded during the general election about blacks and women? Where you paying attention during the general election, Vondria?
Aurelia Weaver
1/15/2017 07:01:46 pm
My Precious Child......Thank You and Thank You. You said everything I thought and continue to think. Why do we sell ourselves short by blind sighted moments. tronald dump and all of his dumpettes "don't bit mo'" care about anyone else but themselves. And the worse part is Steve Harvey sold his soul to the devil. the "Massa" just picked him his HOUSE N*€€£} to do his bidding for him.
Wow steve
1/17/2017 04:52:45 am
1/14/2017 09:28:09 pm
Very well said, I agree and have said the same thing, not as eloquently as you. I can't wait to repost and share.
1/16/2017 06:46:51 am
I wonder did anyone see the expression on Steve's face when he walked out with him? Well I did and we do need to wait and see what he have planned. I know it's gonna be a good one!
Patricia Neal
1/14/2017 10:41:00 pm
Thank you so much for your letter to Steve Harvey. I hope he reads it and do some soul searching about shaking hands with the devil. Well said and hats off to you.
1/14/2017 11:09:19 pm
I knew Steve wasnt SHIT when he was on TV talking good things about his 1st wife and months later married Magarie
Donald Warner
1/14/2017 11:44:35 pm
Wonderful commentary and depiction of the reality faced by all, especially African Americans. Blessings and love.
Linda Moss
1/15/2017 12:02:39 am
I'm so very proud of the young lady that you have blossomed into. Politically educated, eloquently spoken, beautiful and articulate but I'm not the least bit surprised because of who your father and mother are. I'm peacock proud and you have made me stick my chest out farther being a long standing member of the best church out of the rest Friendship West! Your message to Sellout Steve is the best that I have read or heard thus far.
1/15/2017 02:27:42 am
Lynette Gould
1/15/2017 04:16:42 am
I'm right there with you Ms. Moss...proud as a peacock of our Pastor's daughter! Very well said, and I agree wholeheartedly...Amen!
1/18/2017 05:05:05 am
Think about this how many black people do Trump have on his team ...Steve is our voice these comments are so hurtful and disrespectful ...Who knows what the out come will be ...How many of u all went out and voted? This is and opportunity GOD has put him in ..Just wait and see he don't owe us anything how many of u all heard him talking about what happened...Find out first before you start putting this man down ..Some good can come out of this...
Rev Cassandra Gould
1/15/2017 06:30:34 am
The Apple has not fallen for from the tree. Keep being a truth teller. Your black boldness and brilliance just made my day.
1/15/2017 07:59:57 am
How to fight a cobra. Is to be a cobra.
1/15/2017 10:17:33 pm
@vondria I concur. Perceivably I believe Steve Harvey is being groomed for a presidential run. Appearances. Keep your enemies close,
1/17/2017 06:33:14 pm
You're joking right? A presidential run? I know with Trump's election the bar has been set EXTREMELY low but Steve - he can't even read from a script! 1/15/2017 08:12:58 am
Very well written...I agree complete...I will not watch Steve Harvey again....did he not watch the same Trump doing the election..and today Trump is disrespecting civil rights leader...shame on you Steve.
Deeply hurt by the decision that Mr. Harvey has elected to make. The thought of ANYONE actually, considering aligning themself with this group of people is simply appalling, especially knowing how Donald Trump has created a mass of confusion within our Country! "Just WHY" Steve Harvey???
1/15/2017 10:16:12 am
Thank you so much, so nicely put. I was a BIG fan of Steve, followed his everything.... I'm so, so disappointed in him, mainly because he's trying to feed us BS....I'm so through with him as many of his fans are....
Helen Salters
1/15/2017 10:30:40 am
Bravo. Well thougt out and said
Susan Van Buren
1/15/2017 11:17:55 am
I can't believe Steve Harvey, He Was just on TV talking about Donald tramp using the grab the p Now he on There with this Man because he said he was going to help improve the people State That You tape your show he making you look like an Oreo cookie are you?????? What about the other s States???????
1/15/2017 01:29:17 pm
Thank you for speaking out on what Mr Harvey brought us from his meeting with Mr Trump i too am very disappointed in him i pray he had time to think about what he said and correct it
Deborh hardnett
1/15/2017 01:39:59 pm
Only !God knows, I'm glad I know Jesus for myself, everybody else, better get know him for there self,Steve Harvey, for him self,and Donld Trump is for him self, I'm good.
1/16/2017 08:57:21 am
You have it right.
Carolyn Thomas
1/15/2017 01:41:52 pm
Steve,I know you are aware of this man's disrespect for our Black race,he chose Ben Carson only to show us that I picked someone to head a department that is important to you,aman who don't even believe in that department.He using Ben to screw over HUD,and he's using you to screw over your own person with that out of touch statement.
Vivian A. House
1/15/2017 02:21:58 pm
Makes you proud to know such a well-informed young lady--thank you Abeni for setting Steve Harvey straight for all of us women, Blacks, and people who do not appreciate his Uncle Tom tactics. He has slide down a rabbit hole for me and I am ashamed of him.
Preston Lundy
1/15/2017 03:00:03 pm
Awesome, just Awesome!! You stated everything I was thinking and you did it eloquently. Great read
1/15/2017 03:20:39 pm
wow well said my sister I shocked at Steve I really admired Steve always wanted my now 19 year old to meet him
1/15/2017 06:55:17 pm
Well stated, I was shocked but always consider the motives of the persons involved.
1/15/2017 09:27:00 pm
Thank you for that well written letter
Check mate
1/15/2017 09:44:20 pm
1/16/2017 12:55:00 am
Thank you for that heartfelt letter. I am extremely disappointed in Steve Harvey. I feel like he's just another person that can be bought for the right price. Which is shameful. I have heard him publicly denounce Trump on his show so now to turn around and embrace him is not only degrading to black people but to all women as well. Maybe he had two faces all along and hid them behind his nice suits to cover up his insincerity. Well guess what Steve you are standing in front of your people naked and unashamed because your true character has spoken and your words aren't pretty.
Shena Williamson
1/16/2017 01:01:22 am
Steve Harvey,I'm not understanding why would you go have a meeting with Trump
1/16/2017 09:20:43 am
Couldn't said it no better , well said
1/16/2017 01:32:41 pm
Well said! I totally agree Steve Havery has always been an opportunist too me. It's sad that he would even meet with him. Trump has shown us who he is a racist, bigot, sexist womanizing disgusting individual.
Mary Lewis
1/16/2017 01:35:44 pm
Very well stated. We as a people have lived long enough to know how they will come into our community, pick off one who they either feel as though they have influence or, they have the ability to make us feel as though they have vested influence into that person to see what is happening. As Joan Watson always used to say "wake up people". We must keep our eyes on the prize and protect and educate our children.
Willie Beverly
1/16/2017 06:49:46 pm
You know my family and I got together to discuss this Steve Harvey meeting with Donald Trump and we were hurt, shocked and completely taken back! We shared the same views you did and came away with the same conclusion. We're sorry but Steve Harvey lost our fan base with this one.
Darlene Davis-MCgraw
1/16/2017 07:32:02 pm
Thank you Thank you...Ben Carson is an uncle Tom...when is some going to say it what billionaire will give up his billions every year for hundred two hundred thousand dollars..unless they will be trillionaires at the end of the four years something ain't right with this whole picture....if Obama acted like he wanted to deal with Putin they would have found a2ay to impeach him
Anita strange-rebecchi
1/16/2017 08:44:05 pm
Michelle Bryant
1/18/2017 09:44:33 am
All I can say is are you really that stupid as the young lady stated, Steve this is going to cost you
Calorie Jones
1/19/2017 06:14:10 am
Well said!
Darryl Turner
1/20/2017 12:13:23 am
You did that baby girl!!!
Brenda Guilfore
1/14/2017 12:46:42 pm
Thank you Abeni for those words. WELL SAID!!!
1/14/2017 12:48:03 pm
Thank you for not pretending to be stupid and posting a well written thought piece. Young people like you represent hope for our nation.
Doris Merriweather
1/14/2017 06:24:01 pm
Mari Hamilton
1/14/2017 12:52:22 pm
Thanks so very much I was thinking the same thing about Steve "Punked Out" not surprised, Continue your good works.
1/14/2017 01:17:09 pm
Very well stated. You are commended for your thoughts and concerns. You also come from a legend of good stock from California to now. God bless you young lady.
Vergenia Nicholson
1/14/2017 01:32:40 pm
Daughter of Pastor Haynes, you make me proud. I couldn't properly rest last night because like you, I'm disappointed in Steve and like my sister told me this morning, will not be watching anything having to do with Steve Harvey.
1/14/2017 02:23:16 pm
The superficial nature of his dealings with African Americans is blatant and obvious.
Eric Brown
1/14/2017 03:04:45 pm
I'm so proud of what you just spoke concerning Steve Harvey . I was a huge fan of his , me and my wife Cassandra but we too have lost all respect for Steve and we know in spirit Steve did this to benefit himself. Thank you young lady for being a true voice for our people . Tell your dad hello from the Browns
Rev Dr. Barbara Jim-George
1/14/2017 03:39:37 pm
Thank you for your insightful comments. I, too am highly disappointed in Mr. Harvey. I was a big fan, but now have lost any respect I had for him.
1/18/2017 05:20:13 am
I am surprised at you REV.DR.BARBARA JIM GEORGE..LOVE LOVE LOVE ..WHAT IF GOD GAVE U AN OPPORTUNITY TO DO THE SAME WHAT WOULD U DO ..?He did not go out there trying to make things happen he was ask for ...I have heard Steve ask God to order his steps..
Larry Simpson
1/14/2017 03:54:32 pm
I was thinking this morning on how disappointed I was in Steve Harvey. You said it so well. Even if Steve meant well, it was not a good look.
1/14/2017 04:29:44 pm
Very well written young lady. Thank you for speaking out.
Vernessa Gipson
1/14/2017 04:44:55 pm
Great job Abeni Jewel!! Your generation must open the eyes of mine and not be willing do anything to "be at the table"!
Lydia Perry
1/14/2017 05:11:52 pm
Yes, young lady, so on point for your addressing each concern, relating to what could possibly authenticate any of our visibly, and very vocal African American leaderships, to come from meeting with a "congenial and sincere" Donald Trump. What could their conversation have been about, in which Steve Harvey could have seen such a drastically different Donald Trump? I would suppose, again, their conversation was totally off base from what Donald Trump's typical rhetoric of conversation has been about, in order that someone I once considered as very committed and supportive of the betterment within our African American community~Donald Trump has not given most conscious brothers and sisters, any such idea that he is concerned about what is best for us, or, for other communities in need of empowerment and uplift. So interested to know what their topic of conversation could have been......perhaps, it was one of a business venture capital that may have kept both of their attention.
I agreement ?percent!!
1/14/2017 05:26:07 pm
1/14/2017 05:37:54 pm
Hi Lady A.Haynes always respectfully. My personal belief is Steve Harvey spoke to Trump out of compassion for the transition that will take place. Until Steve adresses the community I'm willing to wait for him to address the black community and the world. I do appreciate you seeking understanding and clarification. Lets See 👀!!!!🗯💌
Patt Thomas
1/14/2017 05:48:25 pm
Well said!!!
1/14/2017 05:53:03 pm
Well said. It was a BIG DISAPPOINTMENT FOR ME AS WELL!!! Thanks for Speaking Truth To Power!!!!!
Pastor Squire
1/14/2017 06:02:23 pm
Amen! You are so right. I was truly disappointed in Steve Harvey's comments considering how much he criticized Trump during the campaigning. As an African American with 3 beautiful daughters and a phenomenal wife there is no way a sexual predator like The President Elect should be considered worth meeting with to discuss anything except an apology to the world.
Miss Haynes, first of all, congratulations on your choice to pursue a college degree. Secondly, you written communications skills are superb. Finally, thank you young lady for saying exactly what I am thinking. While I am 60 years old, I've been a Steve Harvey fan for years. All of your points were on target. I personally thin Ben Carson is a milksop of a politician, however much of a man he might be. Thank you again and be well. Be blessed.
Glenn Thomas
1/14/2017 06:42:51 pm
AMEN!!!!...You hit Brother Steve right between the eyes with REAL TALK!!!!..Thanks Sister
Miko Moore
1/14/2017 06:48:37 pm
You said everything I wanted so say and some of what I wrote on his his Twitter before he stopped people from commenting. You are wise beyond your years.
1/14/2017 07:03:02 pm
Well spoken! I Commend you
Ray Willis
1/14/2017 07:13:44 pm
Very disappointed with Steve Harvey . At this point have no desire to watch any of his shows
Jackie Jones
1/14/2017 08:08:44 pm
Come Monday morning I will be listening to Sirrius XM. Steve Harvey is such a disappointment.
Marsha Hamilton
1/14/2017 08:32:10 pm
Thank you Abeni for saying what I thought. Steve Harvey has disappointed me also. He is another passenger on the Coon Train
Dr. Jacqueline Chambers
1/14/2017 08:40:32 pm
Well said!!!! Thank you for articulating the thoughts and concerns of many.
1/14/2017 09:05:16 pm
Steve what are you thinking? Now you are in bed with the devil gor re as l!
1/14/2017 09:08:06 pm
Well stated!!!!
Wilma Phillips
1/14/2017 09:15:10 pm
Well said. The old folks said," show me your company and I'll tell you who you are, Mr.Steve Harvey,we saw your company. Now we know who you are Mr. Steve Harvey,please take your seat,you have spoken.
Ria Williams
1/14/2017 09:25:36 pm
I knew Steve wasn't about nothing when he had his first wife arrested and also when he tried to dis Bernie Mac years ago Steve has always been a fake.
1/15/2017 02:32:57 am
Yes he did a lot to her and less than a year he married Magarie
Regina Byers
1/16/2017 01:56:05 am
Never been a fan because of the way he disrespected Bernie Mac. I'm still not sure what or who made him an authority on male/female relationships given how he didn't have stellar relationships himself.
Katrina Woods
1/14/2017 09:37:11 pm
Well stated Sis. Haynes.
1/14/2017 09:47:49 pm
Well said. I am appalled and disappointed as well. Did I hear sell out?
1/14/2017 09:56:35 pm
Abeni Haynes, what a heartfelt & sincere response to the negative, disrespectful & shameful excuse of an African-American male Steve Harvey presented himself. As you know the word of God says "what does it profit a man to gain the while world lose his soul". Unfortunately, we have several in our communities. Steve Harvey lost the heart & soul of Many African-Americans. So proud of your Voice you raised that we All can be very proud of. We're so proud of Dr. Freddie Haynes & 1st Lady Haynes for their wisdom & intellect instilled within you. Blessings
1/14/2017 10:07:04 pm
I Think you did a wonderful job we need more people to speak out it sad how we always turn on each other but help someone else grow miss lady you keep speaking out and helping us grow and teach another black butterfly how to stand up for our people.I wish you all the love ..joy. And peace keep spreading your wings beautiful butterfly
1/14/2017 10:18:25 pm
The Truth Don't Lie.....Well said.
1/14/2017 11:03:10 pm
You penned an honest and heartfelt letter to Steve Harvey. You have stated the feelings of a number of us from across the United States. Thank you and I am hoping and praying Steve Harvey reads this letter.
Rebecca cade
1/14/2017 11:30:40 pm
Well said young lady,may God continue to bless you
1/15/2017 12:27:13 am
Thank you young lady your words tell the story of just what he should HAVE said..we call it CHECKING HIM Steve DIDN'T DO THAT. .The Man We Watch Every Day Was Not The Man That Told The World About PRESIDENT CRAZY. .What he should have said was the African American Community have people in place go talk to the people that know there Community and know what they NEED...
1/15/2017 12:31:44 am
Very well said. Thank you for covering it all. I just came around to liking Steve because I had heard so many negative things about him; however, because of his shows (Family Feud, Steve Harvey Show, the children's talent show)and his mentoring camp, and even when he would cry over family issues, he won me over. I just looked at a picture of him and Marjorie taken with the President and First Lady and now he wants to use the excuse that he's following the President's orders of doing something. Why didn't he get a group together and meet with him to address inner city problems? Of course, he'll try to set everybody straight on one of his shows, but too little too late. I now see/look at him in a different light.
1/15/2017 01:40:07 am
KUDOS 2 U SWEETHEART!!! No matter what path u take n life, ur letter to steve harvey truly exemplifies standing n ur truth!!! steve has for a while been undercover selling his soul & out of desperation he continues to do so openly. The move was self serving to keep he/wifie among the political elites, since the Obama last days are near. His timing is obvious & it's not to crusade for his fellow BLACK PEOPLE!!! Our quest for equality n every sense of the word, how has he used his platform?!?!?!?! I refuse to use capital letters n trump, steve & a few others name; one of my statements!!!
Vicki Richardson
1/15/2017 01:48:01 am
Thanks for the wonderful comments. I too was a big fan of Steve Harvey's, but after his visit with Trump, i've lost all respect. I too am not going to watch or listen anymore to his shows. Let's show him how united the African American community really can be. Maybe Trump supporters will support him.
Toni Flowers
1/15/2017 03:21:18 am
Well said. You and D.L. both have expressed how I feel at this point. Let's boycott Steve Harvey's shows and clothing line.
1/15/2017 06:18:31 am
Michelle kent
1/15/2017 06:23:07 am
Wow I totally agree with u . I love the way u brought this out thanks for standing up for our people
Renee Eure
1/15/2017 06:42:36 am
Well said. Thank you for the eloquent representation.
1/15/2017 06:58:24 am
I totally agree with you and let the Church say Amen
1/15/2017 06:59:52 am
Thank you young lady for calling it like you see it. I dont admire Mr. Harvey....honestly he is no different than Donald Trump...he has disrespected women just as much...maybe not the same way but disrespect is disrespect. He could have declined the meeting....he could have met with black leadership long ago to work in the inner cities.....hmmmm.
Karen Tuffour
1/15/2017 07:07:02 am
You said exactly what was on my mind. Steve Harvey has set high standards for how a man should treat women. He has written book, create moves on relationships, people go to him for advice on life. But then this. He has to be Real with himself, and others. You don't hang around those that will not help you move forward. Yes, helping the community is awesome work, but be careful of those you hang around with while trying to help the community. They always have there own agenda, and he could loose his career dealing with him. I only pray that Mr. Harvey will keep his eyes wide open, and trust nothing/no one. Because he can loose everything he's been working so hard for. (Just because of association).
Pamela K.
1/15/2017 11:22:50 am
1/15/2017 11:26:22 am
Baby Girl, i know you mean well but knowing your Father is a man if God with Preaching Power, You may be putting the Cart b4 the horse...My Prayer is that All the responses with Negative comments Voted and Organized their Community during the Election...KNOWING WHAT God's Word said...As your Father's preached at Our last Revival...I'm Still RIDING with STEVE !!
1/16/2017 12:40:48 am
Please don't use My Father to combat my post when he approves of it and agreed with me 100% in the first place. Thank you
1/15/2017 12:00:09 pm
Amazing piece........... Additionally I hope he was there for the right reasons and not a check. As much influence as Steve as acured, you would think he and other influentials could make a difference on their own, without the cameras two most discerning people on the planet (Trump and Carson). Minus two cool points for Steve Harvey
Billie Grayson
1/15/2017 01:46:16 pm
Amen!!!! Well spoken.
Let's not jump to conclusion about what is going on behind the scenes. It looks like Donald Trump is trying to redeem himself by associating with those who look like us in order to win us over. It's good that we have a platform to say what we want about what we see. Some things are not as They appear to be. I'm giving Steve Harvey and anyone who looks like us the benefit of the doubt until proven guilty of selling out.
1/16/2017 03:31:46 pm
If that is to be believed, then, I have this bridge in London for sale...
Valerie Hall
1/15/2017 02:00:34 pm
Well said and written!
Valerie Laster
1/15/2017 02:12:42 pm
Amen to that young lady. Thank you. Steve can have a seat.
1/15/2017 02:45:25 pm
Very well spoken and God bless you for speaking the truth bye Steve
Jackie Jackson
1/15/2017 03:07:58 pm
Bravo young Ms. Haynes for standing up for what you believe. I believe that if you don't stand for sometime you'll fall for anything. Steve Harvey wanted to be seen as one of the black folk that were called in by Trump like it gave him credibility. Why do our folk need to be validated by the likes of Trump. He's using our people with influence and a large fan base to come to us and say he's a good man he's sincere. Yell he was sincere when he used prejudice against us to help him win this election, and all of the aforementioned dishonorable things that he's said and done during the primaries and the election. I lose respect for those of us that feel lead to give ear to more of his lies. What could he possible say to us that we should care about hearing. Any black man that feels honored or obligated to hear him out...why. What room were you in when he traveled from state to state city to city insiteing violence against our people during his conventions. Having our people beating and thrown out of his rallies for simple being black. No, there's nothing that my heart needs to hear from Trump other than he went to God with a repented heart and wants to try to right all of the injustices that he commuted. Until then Steve Harvey, no ex ball player no irrevelant rapper no one can persuade me that he's anything but what he showed us.
Leqz Newman
1/15/2017 03:23:12 pm
Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! It will be interesting to see how/if Steve handles this. I won't know because I've decided NOT to listen to his radio show, I've decided NOT to watch his talk show and I NEVER purchased his books. But yall get the idea...I will end this by quoting DL Hughley, "I will never forget what he said, I will never forget how he denigrated President Obama and his family,. Fuck you now, fuck your forever!"
Delores M. Little
1/15/2017 03:32:35 pm
I am a widow, mother, grand and great grandmother, I could not stated your views better. I am also an African American and I am very well pleased with you young lady. Be blessed. I got sick when I heard Steve's reasoning for the meeting it made no sense to me.
Lynn Golden
1/15/2017 05:15:51 pm
This is the best response that I have read about the Harvey/Ump meeting. Well stated young lady. I'm a long handle spoon with SH now my respect for him is much lower. Not for meeting with him, but for the statement after the meeting. Looks to be another fool in the back ground trying to make us believe gives a DAMN about anyone of color - period!
Jan Brown
1/15/2017 05:30:58 pm
Well written and the last statement represents my views. BS! Steve Harvey even you could not tell it with a straight face. You sold out for a few coins, I am so through with you and so are many others. You forgot where you came from, and that Black folks have long memories and even you should know the others turn on a dime.
Lou Green
1/15/2017 07:17:12 pm
Well said my Sister. Well said. Thank you for speaking for so many of us.
1/15/2017 09:26:03 pm
When Donald Trump said right Steve the impression on his face said "r you talking to me". Then he explained what the meeting was about as politically correct as he could. We all have been caught off guard and Steve was caught off guard. His mouth said one thing but his eyes told the truth. I beleive He was trying to not say anything bad in front off the camera. D.L. Hughley was the complete opposite. He kept it so real he was raw. DL needed a little Steve to be not so raw and Steve needed much of DL by keeping it real. God Bless us all.
1/15/2017 10:43:47 pm
While most often times people presume the worst, I totally understand the frustration at best. However, based on an intelligent response from Steve Harvey concerning the meeting he's know being called all kind of improper names. Yes, if I was thinking within confinement I too would be irritated by his remarks. Not watching any of his shows or supporting him in any facet doesn't stop who he is. I'm glad he's been put into position to be the adversary. Positioning yourself is very important whether you're in the spotlight or no light it makes a huge difference. We face politics everyday in some shape form or fashion. How you deal with what your faced with makes all difference. His expression and deep breaths were indicative of having to take "what's happening now" and grow through it. You have to be really "strong and courageous" to make a move such as this. While you may feel a certain type of way, I'll tread in the middle until I see differently. I understand fall guys mentality. Appearances........
Well Ms. HAYNES WELL VERSED Like everyone is intitled to their own opinion i
1/16/2017 02:26:20 pm
I missed this because I don't IG. Steve want to do it all. He will run out soon. He is getting exposed everyday.Very well spoken.
1/16/2017 02:39:47 pm
Awesome...every bit the TRUTH!!!!
1/16/2017 03:34:18 pm
Well said. Sorry he couldn't see the trees for the forest. Mr. Harvey does not speak for the black community.
1/16/2017 04:57:21 pm
M. Kendrick
1/16/2017 05:03:22 pm
So proud of you and your words. Thank you! Ms Haynes you are truly good fruit from a good tree. God bless you.
1/16/2017 10:06:02 pm
I listen to his show every morning while driving to work....I'm done...Steve career was already develop...there was no reason. To me with Trump!
1/17/2017 12:37:07 am
1/17/2017 10:15:24 am
Well said my sister let the light shine on the truth. I very proud of you and for speaking up. Thank you and God Bless you.
1/17/2017 10:24:55 am
I often question his views, although he's entertaining he has seem to forgotten even the very statements he's made about trump. Hope he's done some smart saving, I will no longer listen to, nor will I watch anything he's on. While even those of trumps own ethnic persuasion are distancing themselves from him why would he even consider this, it's beyond me. Big MISTAKE!
Barbara Hampton
1/17/2017 01:30:48 pm
Very well put. I am proud of you for carrying this message to and about Steve, And yes, he will get the backlash he deserves. I am so disappointed because he represents us. Now Trump thinks he has found someone as STUPID as him?
Bernell Carter
1/18/2017 02:46:23 pm
Steve Harvey, Steve Harvey I Had Said When He Had Mess Up The Miss American He Was Getting To High Then All The Time Bagging On All His Shows God Has His Way Of Dealing With You.
Aaron Hubbard
1/29/2017 03:44:49 pm
Well said, Ms. Haynes. Most people your age would not have spoke out. Well, age ain't got noting to do with it. You are just like your father in which I had the pleasure of meeting him (again) at my old church in Little Rock, Ar. Steve needed to be put in his place. Thank you, Sista for checking and re checking Steve Harvey. The King of Comedy has now become the King of Jokesters. Again, thank you Ms. Abeni.
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